First...Coach and I REGISTERED OUR LITTLE GIRL FOR PRE-K this month!! Our sweet oldest baby, Emma Lou will start school next year. And on top of that...our sweet youngest baby, Ezra will be moving up to the 3 year old room next week! It is crazy how times flies (especially once you hit that 6 month mark with a baby...when we had our first child, everyone always said that the time will just FLY by...before that 6 month mark-I thought EVERYONE had gone CRAZY about how time flies by-months 1-5 DO NOT FLY BY)!!
The Sass and the Wild Man (yes-he got into his sister's play makeup and the ONLY thing I can get it off with is MY moisturizer-I guess he will have good, no wrinkle skin if he keeps that up)...
Watch Out World...Here They Come!
I am reminded at this time in our lives when Ezra throws his HUGE-I mean HUGE- fits and Emma Lou hits me with her Sass and back talk-and while they are growing up quicker than I could ever imagine- that I must boast in my weakness (and remember others who suffer MUCH greater sufferings that me). Because in my weakness, Christ's power may rest in me.

That verse goes on to say "therefore I will boast more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
Thank our Good Lord that I am strong in Him in my weaknesses.
Now let me tell you a little about what we have been working on in room 523! TIME (which the Coach would say I needed to work on because I'm late to almost everything)!! I got a lot of inspiration from Amy Lemons post on time as well as one of my very good friends and coworkers, Kim Patton (who has some really awesome products in her TPT store!)! We did a class timeline where everyone got a different time of the day (some were on the hour and some were telling time to five minutes). So basically, everyone got a blank clock- made by the AWESOME Workaholic NBTC (which by the way-these clocks fit 2nd grade standards PERFECTLY!!)- and a premade mini sentence strip with a time.
I then passed out a half sheet of paper and black piece of construction paper. They drew a picture of their time on the half sheet of paper.
Then we hung them on my back wall to show a day in the life of a second grader! :) is a little preview of the WHOLE unit that I did with my class:
At the beginning of every math lesson, I would put a time on the board and sing (to the tune of "What Does the Fox Say"-which by the way my kids LOVE)-WHAT DOES THE CLOCK SAY?! Let me just tell you-it was the highlight of the entire unit! :)
Happy Teaching!!